Wednesday, 23 December 2015

A time to slap

Here comes Christmas, sneaking up on us again.  I thought I was so well-prepared this year.  I bought some new Christmas decorations last January when we went to Budapest – the capital of Christmas decorations.  I bought the main presents for the boys in Canada, as well as lots of little stocking fillers, and advent calendars in London on the way back.  I even had crackers and things left from last year.  But suddenly there are only 2 days left and I have to do wrapping, marzipan and ice two cakes, make stock for gravy (Jamie Oliver has a lot to answer for)…..and I just had a message from Kaan’s school to say they have picked tomorrow for a parents meeting.  They always do this – tell you the day before, as though none of the mothers have jobs or anything else to do – and then they really shame you if you don’t go to them.
I do notice that most of this running round, stressing and icing cakes at 3am is done by mums.  Most of the men I know look very smug and say they are nearly ready – when all they’ve actually done is buy three presents, helped fix the Christmas tree lights and got through the firm’s Christmas drinks!
baubles from Budapest - the one on the left is a blown egg-shell
The other evening, for the first time EVER, I watched ‘It’s a wonderful life’.  It is always listed as the best Christmas film ever – and though it’s pretty corny I did like the discussion going on in heaven and Clarence the (rather bumbling) angel, and I love those wobbly old movie sets!  The boys just couldn’t believe I wanted to watch a film that was SO old.
Here is another story that amused me when I read it this week.  It is quite seasonal as it concerns St Nicholas, aka Santa Claus, who was born at Patara and became Bishop of Myra, not very far from here.  By the way, Cem once rued the fact that while Finland makes a lot of money from the Santa business, his real home was virtually unknown.  Since then, Myra has become a popular place for ‘pilgrimages’, mainly with Russians (St Nicholas is apparently ‘big’ in the Orthodox church); last summer when I drove through Demre (the modern town on the site) I hardly recognized it.
Holly getting ready for Christmas
Anyway, this story concerns Nicholas’ supposed attendance at the First Nicean Ecumenical Council in 325AD.  This was a sort of conference, organized by the Emperor Constantine in Iznik near Constantinople.  Over 300 bishops attended from all over the Christian world to discuss some of the finer points of Christian belief, particularly whether Jesus was equal in status to God.  Nicholas, who believed he was, got so angry with Arius, who believed he wasn’t, that he is said to have slapped him!
For this very unbishoply behaviour, Nicholas had his bishop’s clothes taken from him and was put in jail pending a decision as to his fate.  However, in the night Jesus and Mary came and gave him a copy of the Gospel and a stole so that in the morning he was found to be dressed once more as a bishop.  When Constantine heard, he was so impressed by the miracle that Nicholas was released.
By the way, though his bones were taken from the church in Myra to Italy, his FIRST tomb is thought to have been on Gemiler Island – the small island between Fethiye and Oludeniz.  There was a monastery on this island so maybe he died while visiting there?  Not sure of the details (Japanese archaeologists were excavating there for a few years but I haven’t seen much sign recently) but that is why it is often called St Nicholas Island.
Hope he brings you what you want – and not a slap – this Christmas!

Two very cute Santas - who will kill me for putting this on!